Legal Statement

1. Legal Statement
1.1. Disclaimers
1.2. Mapping/GIS Disclaimer
1.3. Commission Disclaimer
1.4. Linking
1.5. Privacy
1.6. Security
1.7. Unsolicited Materials


(1) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri* makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness, content, currency, suitability, and timeliness of the information provided via this website. This information is provided on an “as is” basis.

(2) Clinton County reserves the right to make changes to all documents presented within the context of its websites at any time, at its discretion, in accordance with the laws and ordinances, procedures and regulations that pertain to such changes.

(3) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from providing its websites or the information they contain, including any websites maintained by third parties and linked to or from the Clinton County Missouri Government website. The Government of Clinton County, Missouri makes no effort to independently verify, and does not exert editorial control over, information or services provided on pages outside the domain.

(4) In those cases where third-party software needs to be installed and executed on computer systems belonging to members of the public, in order to display and review the websites or the information they contain, no claim of ownership of this third-party software is made by the Government of Clinton County, Missouri. The Government of Clinton County, Missouri specifically disclaims any and all liability for any claims or damages that may result from the installation and use of this third-party software, or its failure to install or run on any particular computer system. The Government of Clinton County, Missouri, acknowledges all trademarks, patents, copyrights, and license agreements pertaining to said third-party software.

(5) Clinton County, Missouri Government does not endorse any of the products, vendors, consultants, or documentation referenced on its websites. Any mention of vendors, products, or services is for informational purposes only.
Mapping/GIS Disclaimer

(1)  The maps, documents, and GIS/mapping related web pages and all other information presented within the context of the Clinton County, Missouri Government websites are the sole property of Clinton County, Missouri. They are being made available for public use without any kind of warranty, express or implied, of correctness, currency, completeness, or fitness for any particular purpose. The documents are provided as a public service and may not be reproduced without prior written permission from the Clinton County Commission.

(2) The maps presented on the Clinton County, Missouri Government website ( are compiled and derived from official records such as plats, surveys and recorded deeds. They are not official records, and do not reflect official statements. The only documents suitable to answer legal and survey questions, or settle legal claims, are the plats, surveys, deeds, and other documents officially recorded with Clinton County.

(3) The website Disclaimer policy as stated above is in full effect for the documents stated in paragraph(1) of this section.

(4) In the case that maps, documents, and GIS/mapping related data and/or other information is being made available through the Clinton County Assessor’s Office, additional conditions, fees, regulations and disclaimers may apply. These conditions, fees, regulations and disclaimers may be reviewed on the Clinton County Assessor’s web site.
Commission Disclaimer

(1) The Commission of Clinton County, Missouri specifically states that all data an dother content pertaining to, made available by or representing the Elected Officeholders of Clinton County, other than the County Commission itself, is provided at the sole discretion and responsibility of the respective Elected Officeholders.

(1) The information posted on Clinton County, Missouri Government websites includes hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations. The Government of Clinton County, Missouri provides these links and pointers solely for its users’ information and convenience. The inclusion of links on these websites should not be construed as an endorsement by the Clinton County, Missouri Government of those links or the content of the linked websites. When users select a link to an outside website, they are leaving the Clinton County, Missouri Government site and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the outside website.

(1) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri is using logging and profiling tools to gather information about each visit to its websites. It processes this information in the aggregate to determine site performance issues, such as popular pages, most frequently downloaded forms, and other site performance characteristics. This information does not identify users personally.

(2) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri does not share, sell or rent your personal information to third parties, Although it may disclose aggregated information about the use of its websites, that information does not contain personal information.

(3) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri cannot ensure that personal information will not be disclosed to third parties. For example, it may be obligated to disclose information to the State of Federal Government or third parties under certain circumstances, or third parties may circumvent its security measures to unlawfully intercep or access transmissioins or private communications.

(4) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri, may collect uniquely identifiable information such as a site login and password, user name and an email adddress for purposes of customizing its websites to users’ needs and preferences, and to operate electronic mailing or distribution lists. Such information is provided by the user on a strictly voluntary basis. By providing such information, the user agrees to receive communication from Clinton County for purposes of account maintenance and account security.

(5) To the extent that the Government of Clinton County, Missori, elects to operate electronic mailing or distribution lists, it will offer the choice to opt out of receiving such communications to persons and organizations who have elected to receive them. Requests to opt out of receiving such communications are provided with each communications, or may be submitted by sending an email to (please state your name and login, and the name of the mailing list you wish to opt out of).

(6) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri, may use “cookies” to customize its webites to users’ preferences and needs, and to preserve state if users choose to log in to the site. Cookies are bits of information stored in users’ web browsers that can be altered and retrieved by site operators. The Government of Clinton County, Missouri, attempts to only use cookies for the purposes mentioned, but cannot exclude the possibility of using “third-party cookies” that may be used by service providers not affiliated with Clinton County, Missouri, such as providers of social media sharing tools. Please consult your Internet/web browser help function or the Internet for instructions on how to clear cookies from your web browser.

(1) We attempt to ensure that the Clinton County, Missouri Government websites remain available to all users by employing software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage.
Unsolicited Materials
(1) Any person or entity providing material to the County via the Internet, on an unsolicited basis and without any contract or agreement to the contrary, will be subject to the following regulations and provisions. Material provided to the County in the following formats or of the following types is subject to the provisions and regulations set forth herein:

Text, in either printed or electronic form;
Images provided on photographic paper, prints or by electronic means;
Audible material contained in audio and data CDs, compact cassettes or any other audio format;
Movies, videos or other multimedial content on multimedia CDs, DVDs, or video compact cassettes such as VHS, or comparable formats with greater storage capacity.

(2) UNLESS OTHERWISE ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO IN WRITING BY Clinton County, by providing material to the County, the sender warrants, declares, agrees to and states the following:

The material is free from claims of any type by any third party with regard to copyright, trademark, exclusive rights, confidentiality, or any other type of claim or right;
The sender will indemnify and hold Clinton County harmless for any and all damages incurred by Clinton County as a result of its publication or use of the material;
The sender grants a non-exclusive right to Clinton County to publish the provided material;
The sender grants ownership rights to Clinton County of the copies of the materials sent to Clinton County; and
Clinton County will not return any materials to the sender.

* For purposes of these policies, the Government of Clinton County, Missouri means the Clinton County Commission, and those Elected Officeholders who have chosen to participate in its web sites as their primary means of representation on the Internet.

Privacy Statement

(1) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri is using logging and profiling tools to gather information about each visit to its websites. It processes this information in the aggregate to determine site performance issues, such as popular pages, most frequently downloaded forms, and other site performance characteristics. This information does not identify users personally.

(2) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri does not share, sell or rent your personal information to third parties, Although it may disclose aggregated information about the use of its websites, that information does not contain personal information.

(3) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri cannot ensure that personal information will not be disclosed to third parties. For example, it may be obligated to disclose information to the State of Federal Government or third parties under certain circumstances, or third parties may circumvent its security measures to unlawfully intercep or access transmissioins or private communications.

(4) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri, may collect uniquely identifiable information such as a site login and password, user name and an email adddress for purposes of customizing its websites to users’ needs and preferences, and to operate electronic mailing or distribution lists. Such information is provided by the user on a strictly voluntary basis. By providing such information, the user agrees to receive communication from Clinton County for purposes of account maintenance and account security.

(5) To the extent that the Government of Clinton County, Missori, elects to operate electronic mailing or distribution lists, it will offer the choice to opt out of receiving such communications to persons and organizations who have elected to receive them. Requests to opt out of receiving such communications are provided with each communications, or may be submitted by sending an email to (please state your name and login, and the name of the mailing list you wish to opt out of).

(6) The Government of Clinton County, Missouri, may use “cookies” to customize its webites to users’ preferences and needs, and to preserve state if users choose to log in to the site. Cookies are bits of information stored in users’ web browsers that can be altered and retrieved by site operators. The Government of Clinton County, Missouri, attempts to only use cookies for the purposes mentioned, but cannot exclude the possibility of using “third-party cookies” that may be used by service providers not affiliated with Clinton County, Missouri, such as providers of social media sharing tools. Please consult your Internet/web browser help function or the Internet for instructions on how to clear cookies from your web browser.